Beberapa hari ini terasa sangat membosankan.....
yang ada hanya itu-itu saja..
bangun pagi, terus mandi, terus nongkrong lagi di depan komputer terus sampe aga siang baru cari makan.
sampe siang kalau ga muter-muter kerjaan hanya chatting...browsing...
kalau muter-muter pasang switch di tiap-tiap fakultas agak mendingan....
terus sampe sore masih tetep aja di depan komputer. mau keluar jalan-jalan, tapi males....
malahan sekarang kalo sudah agak sore mending tidur...
bangun mau mandi males....
terus di depan komputer lagi....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
aku booooooooooseeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnn
abis maghrib di depan komputer lagi. sampe malem....
untung aja hari ini ada kerjaan nginstall ulang squid server pascasarjana trus install ulang komputer perpustakaan.....daripada ga ada kerjaan sama sekali....
aku pengen jalan-jalan tapi lagi ga punya duit. tanggal tua (26) ntar aja ahh klo udah ada duit.
eh iya nee, aku mo konfirmasi lagi sama Alfa, apa jadi ke Bandung lagi apa engga.
ya ga tau laahh
pokoke aku saat ini lagi boring abissss
aku perngen teriak sekeras-kerasnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Brainbench Personality Assessment Results for Arif Kurniawan
Here are your Brainbench Personality Assessment Results.
Please review these results carefully and refer to the
interpretation notes at the bottom.
Trait |<--|---|---|---- Range ----|---|---|--->| Trait
Introverted |......X.................................| Extraverted
Candid |..............................X.........| Considerate
Impulsive |..........X.............................| Cautious
Excitable |..................X.....................| Relaxed
Practical |......X.................................| Imaginative
Concrete |......................X.................| Abstract
|<--|---|---|---- Range ----|---|---|--->|
Your Social Boldness: Introverted VS Extraverted
You are quite introverted. Socially, you prefer a more
relaxed, low-key environment, rather than the hustle and
bustle of a wild night in the city. You tend not to talk a
lot, but when you do people listen, because when you say
something it has meaning. You are not seeking the
limelight, usually you prefer to let the attention-mongers
do their thing while you observe. In an unfamiliar setting,
you tend to be cautious and shy while you evaluate the
circumstances. You prefer to avoid conflict, so you do not
put yourself into a threatening situation. Your shyness may
be perceived as unfriendly, but that could not be further
from the truth. People need to be patient with you and take
the time to get to know the complex, private you.
Your Agreeableness: Candid VS Considerate
You are moderately considerate. You are an agreeable
person. This means that you are well liked and people
really enjoy your company. And why wouldn't they? People
can sense that you are taking a genuine interest in them
and this makes them feel special and as a result, they have
high regards for you. With your altruistic personality, you
get a lot of practice at making people feel special. In
fact, you feel great joy when you help others. Another nice
feature you possess is your ability to cooperate. Not
everyone can do this, so it is very important in a meeting
or social situation to have someone like you present in
order to maintain a harmonious situation. This comes from
your tendency to want equality and fairness. In dealing
with others, you prefer not to manipulate people instead
you tend to be open and sincere. This makes you a popular
and well-respected individual.
Your Self-Control: Impulsive VS Cautious
You are moderately impulsive. At times you can be
impulsive, but not to the point where you are jeopardizing
work or relationships. You know when to follow rules, but
you also know when to bend rules that are not set in stone.
If your home or work space gets a little messy, you do not
get upset or feel compelled to tidy up. You do not have to
have perfect order in your life to feel good about yourself
or your environment. You tend to be more on the fun side of
spontaneity, and enjoy being flexible with your plans and
your life. In general, you prefer to make short-term goals
rather than long-term goals.
Your Anxiety Level: Excitable VS Relaxed
You are slightly excitable. You have the ability to cope
just fine in stressful situations. You feel the stress and
frustration in pressure-filled situations, but you are able
to overcome any negative feelings. You tend to worry
slightly, but not enough to interfere with your activities.
If you are experiencing a tough time in your life, you are
able to stave off feelings of depression. You are able to
think clearly and realistically in difficult circumstances,
so that you can devise a sensible solution. Sometimes you
can be impatient, other times you can be relaxed - it just
depends on the circumstance and how much you can control
it. People are not afraid that you will lose your temper.
You are able to manage your emotions when necessary. When
you do become angry, it is only because something is out of
your power.
Your Openness to Change: Practical VS Imaginative
You are quite practical. You want just the facts - keep it
plain and simple. You are practical, pragmatic and well
grounded. You have no time for carelessness and
impracticality. You prefer to keep your emotions to
yourself, rather than exposing your feelings to the world.
Life moves along much better for you when you can maintain
a schedule and have routine in your life. Unexpected
surprises and chaos are a major inconvenience to you. You
tend to be conservative and are somewhat resistant to
change. Others respect your ability to act properly in your
everyday life.
The way you Think/Reason: Concrete VS Abstract
You are slightly abstract in your thinking. Your thinking
is neither simple nor complex, to others you appear to be a
well-educated person but not an intellectual. You tend to
be intellectually curious and have the uncanny abilities to
distinguish imaginative, creative people from
down-to-earth, conventional people.
Social (S) people seem to satisfy their needs in teaching
or helping situations. They are drawn more to seek close
interpersonal relationships and are less apt to engage in
intellectual of extensive physical activity. The S type
generally likes to help, teach, and counsel people more
than engage in mechanical or technical activity. The S
type usually likes to be around other people, working in
groups and sharing responsibilities. They are good
communicators and are interested in how people get along,
and like to help other people with their problems. They
like nursing, or giving first aid and providing
information. They generally avoid using machines, tools,
or animals to achieve a goal. They see themselves as
helpful, friendly, and trustworthy.
The adjectives most typically associated with the Social
occupational category are:
convincing cooperative
easy-going friendly
generous helpful
honest idealistic
insightful kind
outgoing patient
responsible social
sympathetic tactful
trustworthy understanding